Top MongoDB Interview Questions
MongoDB is a document database with the scalability and flexibility that you want with the querying and indexing that you need. Education Funda Let's Jump Into Directly Top 10 MongoDB Interview Questions: Important Notes BSON vs JSON JSON is Standard File Format whereas BSON is Binary File Format. BSON is faster then JSON because it is more efficient and MongoDB stores data in BSON format via MongoDB drivers data converted when we save or update any data. JSON takes less storage space whereas BSON takes more space as compared between both. We can embed 100 JSON formats inside JSON maximum. BSON is an encoded format of data so not easily readable for humans whereas JSON we can easily read. Objectld is composed of: Timestamp Client machine ID Client process ID 3 byte increment counter UpdateOne() vs ReplaceOne() With replaceOne () you can only replace the entire document, while updateOne () allows for updating fields. Since replaceOne () replaces the entire document - fields in th...