
Showing posts from February, 2022

Top MongoDB Interview Questions

MongoDB is a document database with the scalability and flexibility that you want with the querying and indexing that you need. Education Funda Let's Jump Into Directly Top 10 MongoDB Interview Questions: Important Notes BSON vs JSON JSON is Standard File Format whereas BSON is Binary File Format. BSON is faster then JSON because it is more efficient and MongoDB stores data in BSON format via MongoDB drivers data converted when we save or update any data. JSON takes less storage space whereas BSON takes more space as compared between both. We can embed 100 JSON formats inside JSON maximum. BSON is an encoded format of data so not easily readable for humans whereas JSON we can easily read. Objectld is composed of: Timestamp Client machine ID Client process ID 3 byte increment counter UpdateOne() vs ReplaceOne() With replaceOne () you can only replace the entire document, while updateOne () allows for updating fields.   Since replaceOne () replaces the entire document - fields in th...

Top Python Interview Questions

Python is one of the most popular back-end programming language. I hope you must be aware it is the language which is compatible with machine learning that is why it is still too popular for development. Python Logo - Education Funda Python is often used to build websites and software, automate tasks, and conduct data analysis. it is a general purpose language, meaning it can be used to create a variety of different programs and isn't specialised for any specific problems. Let's check the top most commonly asked python interview questions in below video: I hope these python interview questions will help you to crack python interviews easily. Thanks for reading this article guys !!

Node Js Interview Questions

Node.js  is an open source, cross-platform runtime environment for developing server-side and networking applications.  It uses single threaded event loop architecture to handle multiple concurrent clients at same time. The processing model is based on the JS event and callback mechanism. We can do asynchronous tasks easily with this programming language. What is NPM in Node.js ? NPM (Node Package Manager) helps to install all the dependencies of the project from the package.json holds all the metadata about a particular project. We can add or update any package/library very easily with the help of commands only. Let's check the "most commonly asked node js interview questions" in below video: Thanks for reading this blog, I hope this node js interview questions blog will help you to crack node js interview easily.

Top 10 React JS Interview Questions

ReactJS is an open-source, component-based front end library responsible only for the view layer of the application. It was developed by Facebook in 2013. React JS - Education Funda Some Important Notes Virtual DOM The DOM represents a document with a logical tree. Each branch of the tree ends in a node, and each node contains objects. DOM methods allow programmatic access to the tree. Imagine that you have an application and whenever there’s a state change, you want to update only the parts of your DOM tree that depend on those changes. You don’t want to re-render your whole UI from scratch because it would cost a lot, performance-wise, and the UX would be bad. React works with a feature called virtual DOM, a virtual representation of the real DOM tree. It’s just a tree data structure of plain JavaScript objects that is kept synced in memory. Rendering the virtual DOM is faster because it will never be rendered to the user, it will only live in memory. Class Component vs Functional C...

OOPS Concept Interview Questions

Object Oriented Programming Language Interview Questions Object oriented programming is a programming technique to design your application. Application can be of any type like it can be web based application, windows based application etc. OOPS is one of the programming language which is most commonly using in almost each back end programming language such as PHP, Java, Python in all these programming language OOPS is using so it is really important to you to understand about it. That is why in all the interviews related with back-end developers Interviewer will surely asked questions related to OOPS concept so let's see to Top 10 OOPS concept interview questions which is most commonly asked in interviews. Thanks for reading this blog !!

Laravel Interview Questions

Laravel is a web application PHP framework which is developed upon symphony and the first version of laravel was released in June, 2011 by Taylor Otwell. According to the current PHP   Trends Laravel is the most popular programming language for clients and developers too. As we mentioned above Laravel was released in 2011 since that time Laravel keeps upgrading the self that is why it becoming most popular programming language. As per servery on LinkedIn over 70% developers are love with Laravel. Life-cycle of Laravel Laravel Stats Let's see now Top 10 Laravel Interview Questions in below video: Thanks for reading this article guys I hope these interview questions will help you in PHP interviews.

Top 10 Senior PHP Interview Questions

A Senior PHP developer is responsible for writing server-side web application logic. PHP developers usually develop back-end components, connect the application with the other (often third-party) web services, and support the front-end developers by integrating their work with the application. They are also often required to develop and integrate plugins for certain popular frameworks. A PHP developer requires attention to detail. When you are looking for an advanced PHP web development, posting a generic web developer description in your job ad will bring numerous applications from people who may have little knowledge about good programming practices. If you think PHP is easy language so it is not actually event it is a difficult language to tame, and puts a greater than usual burden on the developer to ensure the application’s stability and performance. This article will provide you with a sample PHP developer job description that will help you write a perfect job ad, and assure that...

Usage of Important Array Functions in PHP

PHP is a server side scripting language designed for web development by Rasmus Lerdorf in 1994. Let's see now usage of important Array functions in PHP:- count($arr) - counting the array/object length. array_pop($arr) - remove end element from array. array_shift($arr) - remove first element from array. array_filter($arr) - to remove empty value arrays.  $arr1 = array(1,2);         $new_arr = array_filter($arr1,function($v){    if($v > 1){ return $v;    }        }); array_reverse($arr) - to change the order of array from asc to desc and desc to asc array_sum($arr) - to sum of integers array or numbers array, if array has both string and number so it only sum numbers and if all are strings so result will be 0. in_array(‘value’,$arr) - use index array it directly checks with value and for associative array it targets the value not key. array_key_exists(‘key’,$arr) - it only works with key pair arrays like assoc...

Top 10 Experience PHP Developer Interview Question (1-4 Years Experience)

As we all know PHP is the most popular back-end programming language since 1994.  It was originally created by Danish-Canadian programmer Rasmus Lerdorf in 1994. that is why even in 2022 PHP is using in the software industry and demand is keep increasing for it in the Information Technology field. © Education Funda So in this article we are discussing regarding the PHP interview questions. when we talk about interview questions regarding with experience php developers so php frameworks plays an important role also because there is not much requirement for core php developers in the software industry. one of the most popular php framework nowadays is laravel, we will discuss in upcoming articles related to framework interview questions. we have made one video for you in which you will get most frequently asked questions in interview related to experience php developers specially 1 - 4 years of experience php developers.  OOPS concept knowledge is also really important so we c...

Importance of JavaScript Programming Language

Let's Understand JavaScript If we talk about JavaScript in 2022, it is the most popular programming language as more then 90 % of websites in the internet uses JavaScript. Actually JavaScript was originally designed as a client side scripting language and a large amount of websites still using JavaScript as an client side programming language. © Education Funda Some History of JavaScript JavaScript is the most popular scripting language and it was developed by Netscape and used to develop the client-side web applications. The real name of JavaScript was Mocha . Firstly JS was created by Netscape in 1996 Then It gave it to ECMA company. ECMAScript 1 launched in 1997 and ECMAScript 6 in 2015 known as ES6 based upon OOPS with new methods. JavaScript is provided by Netscape and JScript name is provided by Microsoft. Let's see the Important of JavaScript in below video:  I hope this article will helpful for you regarding the understanding of Importance of JavaScript. Thanks for ...