MongoDB Helpful Queries
While doing the development everyones know that no one can remember all of the queries and commands. So in the blog I am covering most used Mongo DB queries. Mongo DB Queries By Education Funda Mongo DB Queries For Studio 3T and In Your Code Fetch Queries: db . getCollection ( "collectionName" ). find ( { FILTER_COLUMN_NAME : 'VALUE' }, { PROJECTION_COLUMN_NAME_1 : 1 , PROJECTION_COLUMN_NAME_2 : 1 } ) Get Duplicates Records db . getCollection ( "collectionName" ). aggregate ([ { "$group" : { "_id" : "$DUP_COL_NAME" , "count" : { "$sum" : 1 } } }, { "$match" : { "_id" : { "$ne" : null } , "count" : { "$gt" : 1 } } }, { "$project" : { "DUP_COL_NAME" : "$_id" , "_id" : 0 } } ]) Count Query db . getCollection ( "collectionName" ). countDocuments ( { FILTER_COL_1 : ...