
Showing posts from August, 2023

Postman Collection APIs to Swagger Docs

Being an back-end developer we generally works with APIs, for storing the APIs mostly developers are using the Postman, So in this blog will discuss how to covert postman collection APIs to swagger APIs documentation. Express Js Project Convert Postman Collection APIs to Swagger Docs Step 1: You should have proper APIs postman collection for your project. Step 2: Install swagger ui in your node project via ~ npm i swagger-ui-express . Step 3: Put below code in your Routes index file OR app.js wherever you maintained your express routes as per your requirements: Here you also need to create 1 json file for storing the details of your APIs docs just like we create swagger-output.json . import express from "express" ; import swaggerUi from "swagger-ui-express" ; const swaggerDocument = JSON . parse ( await readFile ( new URL ( "../../../../swagger-output.json" , import .meta. url )) ); const router = express . Router (); // adding swagger docs