
Showing posts from October, 2023

How to Use VIM Editor in CLI

VIM is most popular editor which Developer's generally require to use while Development, Let's see how we can use it: VIM Editor - Education Funda Open a File: ~ vim fileName.ext  To save and exit the Vim editor, you can use the following commands: :wq  This command saves the changes to the file and exits Vim. It is equivalent to “write and quit”. :w : This command saves the changes to the file, but remains in Vim. You can continue editing or use other commands to manipulate the file. :q! : This command exits Vim without saving changes. It is equivalent to “quit bang” and discards any unsaved modifications. Additional Tips To enter command mode, press the Esc key. To switch between insert mode and command mode, use Esc to exit insert mode and return to command mode. Save and exit a file: :wq Save a file without exiting: :w Exit Vim without saving changes: :q! Rename a file and save changes: :w new_filename.txt Save and exit multiple files: :wqa Remember to use these commands