Install Node and NPM via Node Version Manager (NVM)

Node Version Manager (NVM) is one of the most important package for software developers while working with node.js specially. While working with node.js mostly we work upon multiple projects and those projects could be on different-different versions of node.js, So for maintaining multiple versions of node.js in your system it is required.

Node.js via NVM
Node.js via NVM

Step 1: Go to this official Github repo

Step 2: You can find below commands in above Step 1 link, install NVM in your system with any command.

Step 3: Now QUIT your terminal and open it again and check now ~ nvm -v.

Step 4: Now install node.js via command ~ nvm install node. Now you can see npm -v also works.

Step 5: Check which version is installed via ~ node -v OR ~ nvm ls-remote.

Step 6: Install specific version of node via ~ nvm install versionNumber.

Step 7: Use your desired node version via ~ nvm use versionNumber.

Step 8: Set default version via ~ nvm alias default versionNumber.

That's it!
Congrats, you successfully installed the NVM, NPM and Node with your custom configurations 💚

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<> Happy Coding </>


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