JavaScript Most Commonly Asked Data Structure Questions

Let's See Some Of The Most Commonly Asked Data Structure Interview Questions with Answers Related To Arrays, String and Objects

JavaScript - Data Structure By Education Funda
JS Data Structure - Education Funda

1. Custom sorting program in JS via Bubble Sort ?

Custom Sorting Program - Education Funda

2. Write a program to check if a string or word or number is palindrome ?

Examples of Palindrome Words are: 

racecar, madam.

Check Is Plaindrome - Education Funda

3. Write a program to check if value/target exists or not in ascending array in O(log n) time complexity ?

For doing this you should know the Binary Search Algorithm.

Binary Search Program - Education Funda

4. Write a program to get total vowel count from String ?

Vowel Count Program - Education Funda

5. Write a program to prints factorial of any number ?

Factorial Program - Education Funda

6. Write a program for check number is prime or not from 100 to 200 ?

Prime Number Program - Education Funda

7. Write a program to check whether number is perfect number or not ?

Prime Number: whose SUM of all factors equal to value expect value itself factor.
Perfect Number Program - Education Funda

8. Write a program to find duplicate numbers in an integer array ?

Duplicate Number Program - Education Funda

9. How do you find all pairs of an integer array whose sum is equal to a given number?

Array Pairs Program - Education Funda

10. How do you find each element number occurrence in an array?

Count Each Element Program - Education Funda

Count Each Element Program - Education Funda

11. How do you remove duplicates from an integer array ?

Remove Duplicate From Array - Education Funda

12. We have group of people in the form of array and you have to group people basis upon age ?

Check some of the commonly asked JavaScript interview questions in below video:

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