Create and Deploy AWS SAM Application

How To Create and Deploy Your First Lambda Function on AWS Serverless Application Modal

AWS SAM - Education Funda
AWS SAM - Education Funda

Create Your SAM Application

Software Requirements:

AWS Serverless Architecture - Education Funda
AWS Serverless Architecture - Education Funda

Now All Will Happen With Command Line Interface

Now open Terminal and Go to your directory in which you want to create your project.

$ sam init  #hit enter this command

~ This will appear 2 option, 1 AWS Quick Start and 2 Custom Template
For making things simple you can 1 at moment.

~ Now you need to select template, at moment you can select Hello World Example.

~ Now it will ask for programming language Python by default and you can select other as well such as Node.js, Java, etc.

~ Now you can choose ZIP option.

~ Now it will ask starter template, you can select anyone from that Hello World Example.

~ X-Ray tracing you can enable so select Y.

~ Enable Cloud Watch now with select Y.

~ Now it ask for project name, by default sam-app was given you can change it also.

Now Your Application Code Base Created

  • You can check your template.yaml file now, description is given in that.
  • samconfig.toml for your deployment purpose, it will use.

Now Make Build of Your SAM Application

Now go to your project directory with 
~ $ cd directory-name

~ $ sam build #this command will generate build source code

~ $ sam validate #to check your template

~ $ sam local invoke #to run your lambda function in local, this will run with Docker

Now Deploy Your SAM Lambda Application in AWS

Firstly now you have to configure your AWS CLI.

~ $ aws configure
Enter your access key
Enter your secret key
Enter your AWS region
Format: you can use JSON.

~ $ sam deploy --guided #this will deploy your code on AWS S3, Lambda, API Gateway and Cloud Formation.

That's it, You have successfully deployed your SAM Lambda Application in AWS 😉

Helpful Commands:

~ $ aws configure  #......... default .........
~ $ aws configure --profile new-profile-name   #........ configure with profile name .............
~ $ aws configure list-profiles  #........ get list of all configured profiles
~ $ export AWS_PROFILE=new-profile-name  #........ select specific profile
~ $ aws sts get-caller-identity #....... show the credentials if configured .....
~ $ aws cloudformation delete-stack --stack-name app-name --profile profile-name #.... delete whole application from backend cloud ... Reference

~ $ sam deploy --guided  #....... deploy with default configuration ..........
~ $ sam deploy --profile profile-name --guided   #........ deploy with specific profile name .......
~ $ sam local start-api   #...... we can run apis locally ........
~ $ sam local invoke -e events/event.json   #..... invoke application with event parameters ......
~ $ sam local invoke "SpecificFunctionName" -e events/event.json # ........ invoke locally specific lambda function .......

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Happy Coding !!


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