How To Check MongoDB ID Valid Or Not
As you must aware about the object ID in mongo database or MongoDB is 24 characters long so for check is it valid id or not there is no direct validation method in validations package such as node-input-validator. MongoDB - Education Funda So for checking entered id is valid or not we can us below tech-tics: Approach 1 - Simple JS Validation var checkForHexRegExp = new RegExp("^[0-9a-fA-F]{24}$") checkForHexRegExp.test("i am a string") // false checkForHexRegExp.test("5e63c3a5e4232e4cd0074ac2") // true Approach 2 - With Mongo DB Method (Best Way) var ObjectID = require("mongodb").ObjectID ObjectID.isValid("i am a string") // false ObjectID.isValid("5e63c3a5e4232e4cd0274332") // true With Node Input Validator You Can Use Below Method: const id_exists = "required|string|minLength:24|maxLength:24|idExists" const validator = require ( "node-input-validator" ) const mongoose = require ( 'mongoose...